About Jim
Hello, my name is Jim Amsden. I’m a Solution Architect with IBM Rational specializing in the broad domain of solution delivery and lifecycle management (SDLC). I live in Cary NC with my wife Marjorie.
I have spent many years in software development, creating and using a large number of methods, tools, and best practices from Structured Analysis, to Shlaer-Mellor Recursive Design, to UML and Model-Driven Architecture. I was the lead author of the OMG SoaML specification and chair of the submission team. I was also co-author with Kyle Brown of the “blue book”, Enterprise Java Programming with IBM WebSphere. I’ve used countless programming languages, operating systems, APIs, and development methods from Ada, to JEE, iOS and Xcode, to dynamic programming using Ruby and various Semantic Web technologies.
Over the years I have had the opportunity to meet many of the thought leaders in the IT methods and tools industry including Grady Booch, Jim Rumbaugh, Ralph Hodgson, Bran Selic, Allen Kennedy, Sally Shlaer, Steve Mellor, Steve Cook, Martin Nally and many others. This blog is my attempt to give something back from this experience, to help you address some of the challenges in building and integrating complex IT systems across distributed teams.
When I’m not traveling the world helping IBM clients address their IT solution delivery problems, I am an avid runner and cyclist (having run two Boston Marathons), amateur musician, and audio recording technician. I play mandolin and guitar in a local folk/bluegrass band called No Worries. I performed on, recorded, mixed, and mastered our latest CD which is available at ReverbNation. We’re currently working on our next project where I am using Apple Logic Pro X as the Digital Audio Workstation.
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